About us

HAL_FB_TILES_COVER_C3Australian consumers are increasingly interested in what they eat and how it is produced, and many of Australia’s export markets demand proof that farmers are taking care of the environment and producing ‘clean and green’ food. Moreover, Australian governments and communities are becoming increasingly concerned that precious natural resources such as water and soils are safeguarded.

The Horticulture for tomorrow project was initiated in 2004 by Horticulture Australia Limited (HAL) and funded by an Australian Government grant, through the Natural Heritage Trust, to help growers better manage their impact on the environment.

The project provides growers with information about environmental issues. Through the project, Australia’s first industry-wide guidelines for environmental management have been developed.

This website provides information for government, growers, industry leaders, the general public and environment community regarding major environmental activities that have been undertaken through Horticulture for tomorrow since 2004.

The federal funding for Horticulture for tomorrow has finished and the program is now managed by HAL under its Natural Resource Management (NRM) Portfolio, which  supports the growth and sustainability of the horticultural industry. Horticulture for tomorrow is one of a number of national environmental programs  managed by HAL on behalf of industry.
